

经典台词 有意思 24浏览
  • 01. You drive it just like you stole it.把余生的每一天,当做最后一天过 —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 02. 享受生活,就当这一切是偷来的。 —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 03. Your problem is that you are not happy being sad. But that’s what love is,Cosmo. Happy-sad. 你的问题是你并不为你的悲伤而快乐,但那就是爱的感觉,悲喜交加。 —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 04. i was on my way to find you. —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 05. 为你的悲伤而快乐,那就是爱的感觉,悲喜交加。 —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 06. You only have the power to stop things.But not to create.(你只会摧毁,但不会创造) —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 07. Happy-sad means that I’m stuck in this shit hole,full of morons and rapists and bullies,and I am gonna deal with it,okay? It’s just how life is.I’m gonna try and accept it and get on with it, and make some art —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》
  • 08. I’m gonna kill you one day! No,you are not,cuz you don’t even exist. Maybe you’re living in my world, I’m not living in yours, you are just material for my songs. You only have the power to stop things, but not create. —— 电影《初恋这首情歌》

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